Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Meiji Restoration of Japan

Matthew Perry bullied the japanese into signing a trade, he intentionally arrived in ports with sails down to intimidate the japanes with their technological progress. When perry dropped anchor 26 miles off the coast of Tokio the Japanes were impressed Perry wanted a trade between the united States and japan because he thoug that japan was the ideal location to stablish a trade in which Americans ships could reload on food, coal and water. Finally on march 31, 1854 a treaty was signed between the United States and japan. This trade openned two ports which connected the U.S with Japan. During the Meiji era the Japanese economic changed. They were trying to modernize and industrialize. This consisted in

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Karl Marx and Communism

Karl Marx was a german but his idea of communism changed the Russian history. he was born as jew, but his family was converted into christianity in order for his father to get a job as a lawyer. Communism was a theory and system of social and political organization that was a major force in world pilitics mostly during the 20th century. Marx wanted communism to take over the world because he hated the industrialization. He wanted to be fair. equal. So he give his idea of communism.

Marx saw how the poor workers were treated so badly and their salary wasn't that good ether. He wanted to make a change and that is when the idea of communism came to his mind. For max the bad guys were the ones who treated the worker baddly (bourgeoisie).

Karl Marx and the Industrial Revolution

Marx hated the industrial Revolution and relegion he wanted everyone to be equal to have the same rights. That is why he invented communism. During the industrialization factory workers were working in poor working conditions. Mostly childrens who end up with diseases. Marx invented communism which mostly consisted in improve life of workers and economic equality. He believe that history was a series of class struggles which was between the rich people and the poor people. He called the owners bourgeoisie and the workers who were the poor proletariat. He have influenced both socialist and communists.

nationalism And The creation Of Italy

Nationalism is mostly used to describe two things. One will be describe the attitude that the members of a nation have when they care about their "national identity" and the second one will be to describe the actions that the members of a nation take "when seeking to achieve self determination".

I show that im nacionamism by speaking the same lenguage, going to school every day and singing the pledge of allegiance everyday in school. Basically comonism is what make a country a country. Things or details that makes a different from the others and the way you represented.

Before when Italy was formed in 1859 there were a number of independent states.