Friday, January 11, 2008

Joseph Stalin And Totalitarianism

The word Totalitarism refers to a government that takes total, centralized state control over every aspect of public and private life. Stalin used Totalitarianism to ruled the societ union by having acsolutetly control of the workers and people's lifes. He controled things such as how much food the people had to consume and how much time they could spend doing whatever they wanted to do.

The "five years Plans" was a set of impossibly hight numerical goals. This set of plans increase the output of steel,coal,electricity and oil. The govewrment limited the production of consumer goods. At the end people faced the need of several goods such as clothing, food and housing.

The "Great Purges" was a campaign of terror. This campaign consisted in eliminating anyone who threatened his power. Many people were executed for "crimes against the societ state".

Joseph Stalin was a dictator. he wanted the people to do what he says. Did care what they wanted just what was best for him.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Film Lesson: Doctor Zhivago

How did the film Dr. Zhivago depict the Russian Revolution? What are some of the reasons the Russian people wanted a change? (In other words - why did the revolution happen in the first place)? Also - how did the film depict communism? How was Dr. Zhivago given a first hand look at communism when he returned home to Moscow?

The film" Dr.Zhivago" takes place in the mid-to-late 1950s Even thoug it does not mention it. This film "Dr.Zhivago" depict the Russian Revolution in a negative way. " Dr.Zhivago "

Friday, January 4, 2008

Causes Of WWI

WWI or "The Great War" started around 1914 it lasted four years and three months and ended on November 11, 1918.. One of the resons why this war started was because many countries such as France, Russia, and Germany were competing in building powerful armies. They wanted to have more power than the other countries. This war give birth to seven more nations but took away many people's lives. Nationalism was also one of the causes. Franz Ferdinand was assesinated by a Serb, this was the spark responsible for the first Great War. Rival nations had varioud treaties in place and possessed large stockpiles of weapons. France declared war on Servia.