Tuesday, December 11, 2007

"The Opium War"

The "Opium Wars" was a battle between China and Britain. This started in the 19th century, it lasted from 1839 to 1842. TheBritish decided they needed to balance their trade with Chine. They wanted not just to buy things from China they also wanted to sell. They started to sell Opium, which is a drug grown in India. At first when they started to sell this drug to china, it was used to as a medicene for some diseases such as dysentery, cholera and others such as diarrhea. Later the Chinnese government didn't want the import of Opium because of the devilitating results of the drug. This end up in what we now know as the "opium Wars". During the Opium Wars China fought Britain but the British had better weapons than the Chinnese. this was a avantage. The British won the Opium Wars. Their cannons and other avance weapons helped Gread Britain to defead China. After the British defeted China They Make them Signed a treaty in which make the Chinesse lost control of an important island of Hong Kong.

Monday, December 10, 2007

"The White Man's Burden"

The white man is burden was a poem about the United States imperialism. The word burden refers to something the bothers a person. Something he does not like. This poem was writed in 1899 by Rudyard kipling. I think that the United States is still imperialistic today in someway. This is because the Unite States is in war with Irak. The U.S want to change to democratic but i think that every goverment should decide how to govern it's people. We are still living the White MAn Is burden because sometimes the government trys to have to much control over people.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

"The Scramble For Africa"

The term "Scramble for Africa" refers to a second colonisation which took place in Africa. During this period Africa saw the most dramatic colonisation. Africa has been divided as if it have been a cake between greedy Europeans leaders.This Scramble began in 1881. The main Europeans nations involved in this Scramble were France, Britain, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Belgium and Italy. They were abkle to dominate Africa so easily because they have more guns. They are many reasons why this nations wanted to take over Africa. some of those reasons will be that they wanted to gaing power and prestige. They thoug that the more territory they had the more powerful and important they could become. Other reasons were that Africa was rich in natunal resourses. During this period they needed markets for theyr manufacture goods, "these could be sold in Africa for large profits". This Scramble affect the African people in the way that they were slaves. They were treated badly and were used as a trade known as slave trade.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Meiji Restoration of Japan

Matthew Perry bullied the japanese into signing a trade, he intentionally arrived in ports with sails down to intimidate the japanes with their technological progress. When perry dropped anchor 26 miles off the coast of Tokio the Japanes were impressed Perry wanted a trade between the united States and japan because he thoug that japan was the ideal location to stablish a trade in which Americans ships could reload on food, coal and water. Finally on march 31, 1854 a treaty was signed between the United States and japan. This trade openned two ports which connected the U.S with Japan. During the Meiji era the Japanese economic changed. They were trying to modernize and industrialize. This consisted in

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Karl Marx and Communism

Karl Marx was a german but his idea of communism changed the Russian history. he was born as jew, but his family was converted into christianity in order for his father to get a job as a lawyer. Communism was a theory and system of social and political organization that was a major force in world pilitics mostly during the 20th century. Marx wanted communism to take over the world because he hated the industrialization. He wanted to be fair. equal. So he give his idea of communism.

Marx saw how the poor workers were treated so badly and their salary wasn't that good ether. He wanted to make a change and that is when the idea of communism came to his mind. For max the bad guys were the ones who treated the worker baddly (bourgeoisie).

Karl Marx and the Industrial Revolution

Marx hated the industrial Revolution and relegion he wanted everyone to be equal to have the same rights. That is why he invented communism. During the industrialization factory workers were working in poor working conditions. Mostly childrens who end up with diseases. Marx invented communism which mostly consisted in improve life of workers and economic equality. He believe that history was a series of class struggles which was between the rich people and the poor people. He called the owners bourgeoisie and the workers who were the poor proletariat. He have influenced both socialist and communists.

nationalism And The creation Of Italy

Nationalism is mostly used to describe two things. One will be describe the attitude that the members of a nation have when they care about their "national identity" and the second one will be to describe the actions that the members of a nation take "when seeking to achieve self determination".

I show that im nacionamism by speaking the same lenguage, going to school every day and singing the pledge of allegiance everyday in school. Basically comonism is what make a country a country. Things or details that makes a different from the others and the way you represented.

Before when Italy was formed in 1859 there were a number of independent states.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Simon Bolibar and Latin American Revolutions

Simon Bolibar was born on July 24 ,1783 to wealthy creole in caracas Venezuel. He lived a privileged chilhood. His parents died before he reached his teens. When Bolivar's bride died of yellow fever Bolivar focust himself in the study of the philosophies of Rousseau, Lock, and Voltaire. When he arrived back to Venezuela he hab been convinced that it was timed for his country to be independence. He thoug that he was destined to be the movement's leader.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Robespierre and The Reign Of Terror

The reign of terror was a period of about 10 months during the french revolution. During this period many people was to be execute. During this period they used to cut people is heads sometimes for no reason. Max robespierre was the ruler during this time. He used a machine to cut people is heads. He killed who ever he though could be against him of represent a problem for him. He didnt really care about if it was true or not. Like i Say the executions were do it by a big machine like the one in the picture. During this time many people died. Around 40,000 people were killed during the terror.

The French Revolution: Social causes

The French Revolution was a period of political history of france and Europe. Most of the reasons for the French Revolution were economic reasons. Some factors were The social and psychological burdens of the many wars of the 18th century, which in the era before the dawn of nationalism were exclusively the province of the monarchy. The french population was divided into three estates. The first estate was made up of the clergy. It numbered around 100,000 people. The second estate was made up of the nobility. It numbered around 400,000 people. The third estate was made up of the bourgeoisie, wage earners, and the peasantry. It was made up of the majority of the french population . The third estate feel used because of this reasons.

* peasans were forced to do military service.
* Peasans could not hunt or fish on nobles estates.
* Peasans had to pay taxes to their lord ,king and church.
* Peasans had to use the lord's mill, oven and winepress, and pay for them.
They made up 90% of the population.
In 1789 they wanted to make a constitution to see how france was to be governed.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Scientific Revolution: SCientific Method

The scientific method is a process for experimentation that is used to answer questions and explore observations. This method consist in 6 steps which you need to follow in order to found out the cause and effect relationships in nature. The purpuse of the scientific method is to predict the changes of one item in a predictable way. The 6 steps thatyou need to follow will be:

1) Ask a question: In order for you to start a experiment using the scientific method the first thing you need to do is ask a question. The question most be abut something that you observe such as how, what, when, where, why, which or who.

2) Do background research: Doing background research would help you not to repeat mistakes from the past.

3) Construct a Hypothesis: A hypothesis is a posible answer to the original question. The Hypothesis must be state as "if I do this - then - this will happen."Is basicly a guess about how things work.

4) Text your hypothesis by doing an experiment: In the experiment you will determined wheter your hypothesis was true or false. You should always have a fair text. Make sure that you change one factor at a time. Most repeact the experiment several times to make sure that the first results weren't just an accident.

5) Analyse your data and Draw a conclution: Once your hypothesis is complete you most collect your data and see if your hypothesis was true or false. If your hypothesis was false you most explain why and if is true you can texted again in a new different way.

6) Communicated your results: When your done you most share ideas and results with your classmates or other people who did the same experiment.

Copernicus And The Trial Of Galileo

The Geocentric: Geocentrism places the earth at the center. Base of this belief the earth was currently held by certain group that the earth is the certer of the universe and do not move.
Galileo's belifes in the Heliocentric system caused him many problems. He was put it in jail because of this belief.

heliocentric: In Astronomy heliocentric is the theory that the sun is at the center of the universe. This word cames from the Greek, helios means "sun" and kentron means "center". Philosophical arguments on heliocentrism stated that the sun is at the center of the universe or that some or all of the planets revolve around the sun.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Evolution vs Creation

Creation Or Evolution...

Creation is most refer to the beginning of new things. Many people have different idea of creation but they all agree in that Creation is the belief in humanity,life and Earth. Creation and Evolution are very similar, in order for Evolution to occurred it most be creation first. Evolution is a change in the proportion of different genetic traits over time. Evolution has been called the foundation for many scientific study. Many changes that occur on Earth are know as Evolution over time. Every year many things change and that is the concept we have of Evolution. Humans will always affect with the creation and Evolution of the world.

The origin of the universe occurred about 15 billion years ago, living things began to coexist and it has been evolving ever since. Thesevarious proseses have been happening without the input from a God. These changes are known as environmental changes which sometimes can cause a disaster. All this concepts are part of the theory of Evolution and creation. Everything has a beggining and it keeps changing over time.

If we follow evolution, Evolution predicts that the laws of nature should evolve. Evolution and Creation are just two options in life.