Tuesday, December 11, 2007

"The Opium War"

The "Opium Wars" was a battle between China and Britain. This started in the 19th century, it lasted from 1839 to 1842. TheBritish decided they needed to balance their trade with Chine. They wanted not just to buy things from China they also wanted to sell. They started to sell Opium, which is a drug grown in India. At first when they started to sell this drug to china, it was used to as a medicene for some diseases such as dysentery, cholera and others such as diarrhea. Later the Chinnese government didn't want the import of Opium because of the devilitating results of the drug. This end up in what we now know as the "opium Wars". During the Opium Wars China fought Britain but the British had better weapons than the Chinnese. this was a avantage. The British won the Opium Wars. Their cannons and other avance weapons helped Gread Britain to defead China. After the British defeted China They Make them Signed a treaty in which make the Chinesse lost control of an important island of Hong Kong.

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