Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Underground Railroad

1. The Underground Railroad was a highly organized system.
2. Many of those involved in the Underground Railroad were,

Free blacks

3. Why would the escape of a small percentage of slaves cause so much trouble?
Because than more and more slaves are going to try to scape.

4. Harriet Tubman was not important to the Underground Railroad.

5. How did the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 affect escaped slaves?
It stopped slaves from escaping

6. The first Canadian African American newspaper was produced by,
Josiah Henson

7. What might have happened if the Underground Railroad hadn't existed?
Many slaves wouln't be able to scape from their captors and Harriet Tubman wouldn't be who she was( someone who helped her brothers and sisters). She will still be a slave like the others.

8. Why did so many escaped slaves move to Canada?

The Fugitive Slave Law of 1850

You are a member of the Underground Railroad. A small group of runaway slaves has come to your home to be hidden. All goes well until a neighbor who is not sympathetic to the cause becomes suspicious. What do you do?

* If i was a menber of the underground Railroad and a mall group of runaway slaves has come to my house to be hidden and a neighbor becomes suspicious i will still help than. I will try to find a safe place for than, and iof my neigbor still keeps in the way i will kipnape him until the slaves were save.

If you were a slave who was planning to runaway, what kind of plans would you make? How would you know when the time was right to leave?

* If i was a slave planning to runaway i would try to scape at night because it would be harder for them to see me. I would try to scape when my owners were sleeping, but i would ake sure that all the other servants are also sleeping. If they see me trying to scape it would be harder for than to run or see because is going to be at night and everything is going to be dark.


1)slaver: Deprived of personal freedom.
* Back in the days Black people[dark people] were treted badly they were known as slaves.

2)dangerous: Full of risk, Unsafe.
* There are many dangerous jobs such as asbestos which can lead you to cancer.

3)successful: Accomplishing what was proposed.
* I want to be sucessful in eny job i can get.

4)yoke: A bar of frame of wood by which two oxen are joined at the heads or necks for working together.
* Yoke the draft horses together.

5)Actually: In act or in fact, really, in truth, posivility.
*Actually im not working but i would like to.

6)treasure: Wealth or riches stored or accumulated.
a collection of precious things.
* The childrens returned home with their school bags and other treasures.

7)extremely: very intense.
* This is Extremely interesting.

8)industrious: Hard work and perseverance.
* Those people who are industrious have to deal with all types of situations.

9)runaway: Some one who flees from danger, duty, restraint etc. A fugitive.
* Many slaves runaway from their owners.

10)former: one who forms, a maker or creator.
* There are many formers who creates and develops new things.

11)various: Different, diverse, several.
* Raimbows have various colors.

12)bondage: the state of being under the control of another person.

13)trickle: flowing in drops; the formation and falling of drops of liquid.

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