Monday, May 5, 2008

"Expectations Parents Have For You"

All parents have different expectations, goals for their children, but they all agree on one thing. They want the best for their children. Most parents didn't really have the opportunity or the money to go to college and become what they wanted to be. They dont want their children to be the same story. They want their children to be succesful in their life, to graduate from college and become a profesional. Parents dont want their children to go throug all the things they went to. Things like having to jobs because the money wasn't enought to support the family or having the nesesity of moving somewhere else because they couldn't pay their own appartment. Sometimes they realize that what they think is best for us is not what we need.

when parents focust to much on our education to become what they want sometimes affects our own education or even interfiar with our own goals. Everyone has their own goal or expectations in life, but sometimes the pressure of making our parents proud make us lose those expectations. I dont want to be a lawyer when i grow up, but that's what my mother expects from me. I dont want to dissapoint her in any aspect. I think that she doesnt realize that i can also make my own decisions, that i also have dreams and plans. This preassure of making her proud sometimes affects my education. I start to think about why should i be what she want me to be and not what i want to be.

In some way im living my mother's expectations for me. In order to do this I go to school everyday because i also want to become a profecional. Not exacly a lawyer, but I know she wants the best for me so to acomplish what she wants for me i try to write a lot of essays. I know that to be a lawyer you need to be able to read and write a lot. Thats one of the things i dont really like about being a lawyer. Reading for me is not really something i enjoy a lot but i like writing. I think that writing is a way of expresing your self when words cant tell. I also try not to do things agains the law. Things such as cheat on a text or even cut school. Sometimes im afraid of not be able to do wat she wants me to do.

I think that everyone has it's own talent. I dont think i have found mines yet but maybe the fact that i write a lot might be part of it. Sometimes i give my mom short storys i made so she can tell me her opinion about it, but she doesnt really pays attention to it. She doesnt have the time to read everything i give her, but every time i give her something to read she always says is good and she expects me to be working as hard i as can in school. I also have another talent. Well thats what i think, i like playing soccer a lot. I can spend hours playing soccer and wont get tired or bored. Since i was in 8 grade i used to play soccer in a team. We won, but she thinks that soccer is just a sport to have fun not a carrer. She thinks that with soccer im not going enywhere. At some point i undertand her, she wants me to become a profecional not just someone that have fun playing and dont have eny other carrer.

If i was to choose what i want to be a lawyer or a soccer player, i would choose a lawyer. I know that this is not what i wanted to be but sometimes we just can not think in our selfs. We should also think about those who have give everything they have for us to have a better education. The preassure that parents put on us sometimes bring us down because we afraid not to be succesful and to dissapoint them, but i belief that when you really want something you should always fight for it dont give up at the first problem because it would only make you stronger. Always be who you are not what others want to see.

tWo kiNdS

  • What is a prodigy and why does the mother want the main character to become one?
  • A prodigy is refer to someone that can be succesful in life, Some one that is in some one famous or important. The mother want the main character to become a prodigy because she doesnt want her dauther to be ordinary, she wants her to be famous. "and it would always be this ordinary face-i began to cry". This show as that she didnt wanted to be ordinary she didnt want her mother to be dissapoint.
  • How does the mother prepare her daughter for fame?
  • The mother prepare her daugther for fame by making her watch shirley's old movies as training films and put her in a beauty training school.
  • What talents does the girl have?
  • she learn how to play the piano.
  • Why does she start the piano lessons and how is the mother going to pay for them?
  • She starts the piano lessons because her mother thoug that a girl who she watch playing piano on TV, She was facinated with the music. The mother wasn't able to pay for piano lessons so she traded housecleaning services for weekly lessons and a piano for her daugther to practice on everyday with Mr.Chong who was a retired piano teacher.
  • Describe the piano teacher
  • Mr.Chong the piano teacher who lived on the first floor of their apartment was a retired piano teacher. He was retired because he was deaf.
  • What do Auntie Lindo and Jing-Mei's mother have in common?
  • They both want Jing-Mei to be prodigy.
  • In your own words, relate the events of the recital.

  • What does the author mean when she says, "I didn't have to do what my mother said anymore... This wasn't China"? page 97
  • When the Author says " "I didn't have to do what my mother said anymore... This wasn't China", she mean that she was not a slave who had to do everything her moms tell her to do. She refers that she can also made her own decisions.
  • What words does the author use to describe her mother's disappointment in her?
  • The auther used words like stricken face,weakly debastated and quivering face.
  • Why does Jing-mei come back to play the piano after her mother's death?
  • Jing-mei came back to play the piano after her mother's death because when she had the piano returned and touched the keys it sounded harder them what she remenbered. She realized that she had the talent to play the piano she just needed to try it.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Poetry (Life Goes On)

" You gotta take the good
with the bad

smile with the sad,
love what you got ,
and remenber what you had,
always forgive but never forget,
learn from your mistakes ,
but never regret,
i live, i laugh, i love, i cry,
and sometimes,
wish i will die,
this is me and that's all i can be,
sick of crying,
tired of trying,
dont give up,
things go wrong,
people change,
but always remenber,
life goes on."

Tuesday, April 1, 2008



"What is our life? A play of passion,
Our mirth the music of division,
Our mother's wombs the tiring-houses be,
Where we are dressed for this short comedy.
Heaven the judicious sharp spectator is,
That sits and marks still who doth act amiss.
Our graves that hide us from the setting sun
Are like drawn curtains when the play is done.
Thus march we, playing, to our latest rest,
Only we die in earnest, that's no jest. "

Sir Walter Raleigh

Friday, March 14, 2008


What sight, smell, sound or feeling that stands out from your childhood memory?

I can still smell the fresh air and the beautiful green trees that surrounded the house. When i was a little girl like most childrens do i used to imagine seen things that were not real, i make believe i had a imaginary friend. Everytime i was scare or afraid of something i used to talk to this imaginary person and i remenber that by talking to him it make it me feel better. A sensation of peace. I still remenber one day when i was in 5 grade, after school i went to one of my friend's house. I didn't tell my mom where i was going, when i got home she started to scream at me. I remenber the expression of her face. She look it like if she was about to kill me. I feel guilty in the inside, she was so worry that something back would it happen to me. Everytime i do something wrong and she gets mad at me, the feeling of guilty always comes to mind.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Underground Railroad

1. The Underground Railroad was a highly organized system.
2. Many of those involved in the Underground Railroad were,

Free blacks

3. Why would the escape of a small percentage of slaves cause so much trouble?
Because than more and more slaves are going to try to scape.

4. Harriet Tubman was not important to the Underground Railroad.

5. How did the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 affect escaped slaves?
It stopped slaves from escaping

6. The first Canadian African American newspaper was produced by,
Josiah Henson

7. What might have happened if the Underground Railroad hadn't existed?
Many slaves wouln't be able to scape from their captors and Harriet Tubman wouldn't be who she was( someone who helped her brothers and sisters). She will still be a slave like the others.

8. Why did so many escaped slaves move to Canada?

The Fugitive Slave Law of 1850

You are a member of the Underground Railroad. A small group of runaway slaves has come to your home to be hidden. All goes well until a neighbor who is not sympathetic to the cause becomes suspicious. What do you do?

* If i was a menber of the underground Railroad and a mall group of runaway slaves has come to my house to be hidden and a neighbor becomes suspicious i will still help than. I will try to find a safe place for than, and iof my neigbor still keeps in the way i will kipnape him until the slaves were save.

If you were a slave who was planning to runaway, what kind of plans would you make? How would you know when the time was right to leave?

* If i was a slave planning to runaway i would try to scape at night because it would be harder for them to see me. I would try to scape when my owners were sleeping, but i would ake sure that all the other servants are also sleeping. If they see me trying to scape it would be harder for than to run or see because is going to be at night and everything is going to be dark.


1)slaver: Deprived of personal freedom.
* Back in the days Black people[dark people] were treted badly they were known as slaves.

2)dangerous: Full of risk, Unsafe.
* There are many dangerous jobs such as asbestos which can lead you to cancer.

3)successful: Accomplishing what was proposed.
* I want to be sucessful in eny job i can get.

4)yoke: A bar of frame of wood by which two oxen are joined at the heads or necks for working together.
* Yoke the draft horses together.

5)Actually: In act or in fact, really, in truth, posivility.
*Actually im not working but i would like to.

6)treasure: Wealth or riches stored or accumulated.
a collection of precious things.
* The childrens returned home with their school bags and other treasures.

7)extremely: very intense.
* This is Extremely interesting.

8)industrious: Hard work and perseverance.
* Those people who are industrious have to deal with all types of situations.

9)runaway: Some one who flees from danger, duty, restraint etc. A fugitive.
* Many slaves runaway from their owners.

10)former: one who forms, a maker or creator.
* There are many formers who creates and develops new things.

11)various: Different, diverse, several.
* Raimbows have various colors.

12)bondage: the state of being under the control of another person.

13)trickle: flowing in drops; the formation and falling of drops of liquid.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Joseph Stalin And Totalitarianism

The word Totalitarism refers to a government that takes total, centralized state control over every aspect of public and private life. Stalin used Totalitarianism to ruled the societ union by having acsolutetly control of the workers and people's lifes. He controled things such as how much food the people had to consume and how much time they could spend doing whatever they wanted to do.

The "five years Plans" was a set of impossibly hight numerical goals. This set of plans increase the output of steel,coal,electricity and oil. The govewrment limited the production of consumer goods. At the end people faced the need of several goods such as clothing, food and housing.

The "Great Purges" was a campaign of terror. This campaign consisted in eliminating anyone who threatened his power. Many people were executed for "crimes against the societ state".

Joseph Stalin was a dictator. he wanted the people to do what he says. Did care what they wanted just what was best for him.