Friday, January 4, 2008

Causes Of WWI

WWI or "The Great War" started around 1914 it lasted four years and three months and ended on November 11, 1918.. One of the resons why this war started was because many countries such as France, Russia, and Germany were competing in building powerful armies. They wanted to have more power than the other countries. This war give birth to seven more nations but took away many people's lives. Nationalism was also one of the causes. Franz Ferdinand was assesinated by a Serb, this was the spark responsible for the first Great War. Rival nations had varioud treaties in place and possessed large stockpiles of weapons. France declared war on Servia.


Unknown said...

wrong. war was started over an assassination. u don't know what ur talking about, pick up a book and read

Unknown said...

nothing to do with bigger armies, just the assassination. Germany joined in because they wanted the resources of northern France and Britain because Germany invaded Belgium. And Russia wanted more land and wanted to "free" the polish, Slavs, and others. that's all. noting about armies.

Peter said...
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Peter said...

No, this person got what they wrote down correct. It's you, Hitto, who is ill-informed. The causes of WWI were militarism (the building up of armies), nationalism, imperialism, the alliance system, and the final spark that caused the beginning of the war was the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand.

It's a series of events that lead to war, not just one incident. The assassination was the final event that led to war, but there were many previous factors that helped bring the war about.

So Hitto, maybe you should pick up a book and learn how to write properly, then move onto WWI where you will discover you logic and facts were incorrect and/or insufficient.